One of the most impressive facets of HyperCard resides in its incredible ability to search and find selected data within a given stack in just a few seconds--even if searching in a stack larger than a gigabyte! Such power would be ideally suited to scan through large text banks in order to find bits of data. Such a function would be of immense value in finding instances of specific words in order to establish the greater context of those words. In other words, HyperCard could fulfill, in most cases, more efficiently the role of a concordance. This particular stack is an attempt to utilize the power of HyperCard in such a manner. It is evident that my efforts are still in a nascent stage and that there is much that can be done with the idea. I would appreciate any contributions (not money, but ideas which would increase the functionality of this project) toward the effort! (Note from first release).
The search routines have been made substantially more useful thanks to a script written by David Leffler of Apple Computer® in Hypercorner. It is possible to find whole phrases without having to run through the entire stack finding the first word of the phrase over and over again. While this new feature will not yet go directly to the phrase, it will go to the screen in which the phrase can be found. Use the “SEARCH” mode described below to find the phrase on any given screen. Next, there is a “SELECT” button which sets the field into an edit mode allowing the user to select portions of the text and place them into the clipboard or into a text file via the “TEXT DUMP” feature discussed below. The text may also be pasted directly into a DA text editor or word/outline processor. The “SELECT” button toggles into a “SEARCH” mode which deselects the edit mode and allows the user to mouse-click on a word and find every instance of the selected word in that field by repeatedly hitting the ‘Return’ key.
•Exporting Scriptures to Text Files:
The “TEXT DUMP” feature now functions. There are two modes available. The first, “SELECTION”, allows the user to dump a selection of the text into a specific text file. To do this click on the “SELECT” button and merely make the selection by highlighting the text as you would in any text editing program. Then click on the ‘Stack-to-Text’ icon and choose “SELECTION”. In order to dump the entire scrollable screen to a text file click on the ‘Stack-to-Text’ icon and choose “ENTIRE PAGE”. You will have an opportunity to ‘Save As’ the name you select.
Again, I would like to express my thanks to Hank Wade of Threshold Data Systems for his technical expertise. The functionality of this stack is the fruition of his patience and creativity.
Finally, it seems to me that it is not inappropriate to utilize the same Text (and with perhaps the same reason) that ushered in another invention and another Age: the Holy Scriptures. My gratitude to both J. Gutenberg and B. Atkinson.
“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me.” Matt. 5:39
Shane Kiser
2775 Fountain Circle
Sarasota, FL. 34235
•Acknowledgements & Etcetera:
HyperCard™ is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. ®.
Apple Computer® is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. ®.